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  • Writer's pictureSteven James

July 2017, Update

Feathers for Native Americans


Thank you to the following Donors for the feathers you sent in during the Second Quarter of this year. These Donors are: Bonnie Coe, Wellesley Animal Hospital, B Zastrow, Audrey Hodgetts, The Crab Shack, Henry Vilas Zoo, Nancy Smith, Lynne Page, Connie Stogsdill, Lynda A. Sowers, Suzanne Sehy, Dr Nancy Kalish, Chuck Way, Mark Szczypinski, Debbie Kricensky, Tibby Clark, Tricia Varallo, Scovill Zoo, Jacqueline Sarricchio & Christine Hightower. Thanks again for helping us to send out 67 gifts to 5 Hopi Villages and 6 New Mexico Pueblos this time.

While on the subject of Donors, please spread the word about “Feathers for Native Americans” to your Birder friends to help us obtain more Donors this year.

During the past quarter (April - June) we sent feathers out to the following Hopi Villages in Arizona; Upper and lower Moencopi, Bacavi, Shungopavi and Kykotsmovi. Also sent feathers to the following New Mexico Pueblos; Cochiti, Acoma, Tesuque, Santo Domingo, San Felipe and Zuni. All the recipients of these feathers sincerely thank you for your help in providing them.

The Kachina Dances are winding down now in Hopi and everyone is getting into the crop harvesting mood, ready to pick that corm and fresh melons. Thankfully rain/snow has been plentiful this year and everyone is expecting a great harvest.

These feathers that you take the time to gather and donate make a world of difference in the lives of so many of our Native American friends and families. I personally thank each and every one of you for your donations that also help to save Wild Macaws and Parrots, “One feather at a time”. Thanks again for your help and check those feathers!

Treavor Tucson of Zuni New Mexico scored big time. Way to go Treavor

Treavor Tucson
Treavors Tail Feathers

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