Well as reported in my last Update, the Hopi Pueblos of our Southwest are still closed to outsiders for the first time in recent memory due to the coronavirus. Most all the scheduled ceremonies for this year have been postponed except the last Katsina Ceremony of the season. The July ceremony that always bids farewell to all the Katsinam will be carried out in order to send them back home to the San Francisco Peaks from which they came.
Finally, the Talangva (July) recaps the entire Katsina season, climaxing with the Niman ceremony shortly after the summer solstice. Crops and plant life are flourishing as Katsinam arrive at dawn with more gifts. After much merriment, all the brides of that year are given a special blessing, and the Katsinam depart for their spiritual home in the San Francisco peaks with the prayers and blessings of the Hopi people.
During the summer months of the non-Katsina Season, Hopi villagers operate on a regular harvesting schedule. This time includes the Tala’paamuya (August), Nasanmuya (September), Toho’osmuy (October), and Kelmuya (November), during which a variety of dances and celebrations usually occur however this year almost all Ceremonies are on a “Wait and See” basis due to the Coronavirus situation. The Harvest does however continue as always even during this unusual time of virus and drought going on.
Below are pictures of the Spring Equinox on the afternoon of March 21, 2015. There are several Sun calendars out in the Southwest that show precisely when the Equinox and Solstice happen which tells the Puebloans when to sow, plant and harvest their crops for the best results. Ancient petroglyphs and boulders in just the right places direct the Sun to speak to those that know where to seek His advice. The shadow moves during the day to the beginning of Spring.
2:05PM 2:29PM 5:50PM
Since early March we have experienced a flood of feather request during this down time in the Pueblos with the guys using their time refurbishing their ceremonial adornments and artifacts. Unfortunately, our incoming Feather Donations have slowed down tremendously also. NEED MORE FEATHERS!
Thank you for all your help and support in our endeavor for the Conservation and Preservation of both, the Wild Parrots and Macaws of Latin America and our Native Americans of the Southwest Pueblos.
Steven James