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  • Writer's pictureSteven James


AC Honyouti from Hopi says THANKS!

Here on the East Coast the molt season has been very slow getting started. It has been a cool Spring and very rainy. Not sure if that was the cause but feathers have been very slow coming in.

We have some local farms and petting zoos that we visit regularly to pick up feathers and their Guinea fowl, Peacocks and Turkeys have not molted many feathers either. I think we received more feathers in June than April and May all together

Thanks to all the Donors that sent feathers in from April thru June. These donors include: Knippenberg, Wellesley Animal Hospital, London Bridge Hunt Club, Colette Dowd, Deb Bordowitz, Henry Vilas Zoo, Powers, Ruth Mannich, Scott A. Lile, Leonette Cooper, Colette Dowd, Kate Moseley, Celeste Cormier, Cameron, Bonnie Coe Talluto, Karen Hopkins. Thanks for helping us to send out 61 gifts to 5 Hopi villages and 5 New Mexico Pueblos during the 2nd quarter of 2016.

While on the subject of Donors, please spread the word about “Feathers for Native Americans” to your Birder friends to help us obtain more Donors this year.

During the past quarter (April - June) we sent feathers out to the following Hopi Villages in Arizona; Upper and lower Moencopi, Polacca, Bacavi, Shungopavi and Kykotsmovi. Also sent feathers to the following New Mexico Pueblos; Cochiti, Acoma, Tesuque, Santo Domingo, and Zuni

All the recipients of these feathers sincerely thank you for your help in providing them.

These feathers that you take the time to gather and donate make a world of difference in the lives of so many of our Native American friends and families. I personally thank each and every one of you for your donations that also help to save Wild Macaws and Parrots, one feather at a time.

Thanks again for your help and check those feathers!

Steven James, Feathers for Native Americans

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